Advanced MFR Therapist

It was 5 years ago when I was first introduced to Myofascial Release (MFR) Therapy. Through the failure of traditional therapies I was faced with the prospect of a surgical procedure to address carpal tunnel syndrome. I was advised by my Consultant that there was no guarantee the surgical procedure would resolve the condition and that I would bear the scars.

As a last resort he suggested I might consider a course of Myofascial Release Therapy (MFR Therapy). At that time I had been a Professional Aesthetic, Wellness Therapist for 12 years and I had never heard of MFR Therapy. Realising that there was nothing to lose, I visited an MFR Therapist and, after an assessment started a programme of intensive treatment.

Surprisingly the MFR Therapy did not just treat my wrists. It continuously assessed and treated my whole body and mind inter-relationship. Upon completion of the treatments in USA, not only had my wrist condition been resolved but I also felt my entire being had changed. I felt as though my whole body structure had been replaced. My energy levels were enhanced.

It was during the treatment programme that I learnt about the Fascial System and the important role it plays in maintaining the body’s shape, form and function. MFR Therapy is a highly specialised hands-on treatment process which focuses on treating the whole Fascial System. Prior to the treatment, during the months of acute pain and dysfunction in my wrists, I never imagined that such an outcome would be possible.  MFR Therapy’s ‘whole body and mind’ treatment approach successfully resolved my wrist condition.

To this day my wrist condition has not re-occurred and, through regular ‘top-up’ optimisation MFR Therapy treatments, I am able to maintain my Fascia Freedom. For me MFR Therapy has been, and continues to be, absolutely life changing.


Why choose Jenna and MFR Therapy to resolve your dysfunction, pain and / or discomfort?

During my 16  years as a Professional Therapist, I met many people who had been unable to find relief from their symptoms by traditional methods. Motivated by this situation, and the successful outcome of my own MFR Therapy treatment, I undertook a number of MFR Therapist training courses with a highly acclaimed practicing MFR Therapist in the USA and qualified, to Advanced Level, as a Myofascial Release Therapist.

As both a successful recipient of MFR Therapy and a trained MFR Therapist, I have invaluable first-hand practical experience of the benefits that MFR Therapy can bring to resolving your symptoms.


Let me take you through your MFR Therapy healing journey to enjoy your ‘Fascia Freedom’.

Jenna Hammond

Jenna Hammond – Advanced MFR Therapist